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A kiss in the rain is a pretty intense moment because it’s dramatic. It’s wet. It’s stormy. It’s epic. It’s romantic. It’s emotional. We really need to discuss 5 of the best rainy kisses in the movies.

the-notebook_dlThe Notebook (2004)
This is one rainy kiss that goes without saying. When Noah and Allie are reunited, tensions are high. Time has gone by. But love has found a way. This moment is enough to give anyone the feels.


1428067695962.jpgBreakfast At Tiffany’s (1961)
Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard with a ginger cat in between them. What more do you want in a kiss?


o-SPIDERMAN-facebook.jpgSpider-Man (2002)
MJ has just been saved by a Spider-man and now she’s kissing him as he hangs upside down. And it’s pouring down. Dramatic, cheesy, excellent. Although that chin is pretty noticeably Tobey Maguire’s. Don’t get why it took her so long to realise.


zjurSinging In The Rain (1952)
“From where I stand, the sun is shining all over the place” – Don Lockwood is one smooth man in this film. The goodnight kiss he shares with Kathy is followed by one of the most memorable sequences of all musicals.


91bafa5175695afb84d242835cbc5539Castaway (2000)
This might just be my favourite kissing in the rain scene. Dude’s been trapped on a remote island for several years and rekindles a romance with the love of his life. It’s a really emotional moment!


What’s your favourite rainy kiss in the movies?